
EMW Baseball & Softball Families:

We are still in need of a few head coaches and assistant coaches for the upcoming season! Head coaches are a NECESSITY or we have to eliminate teams/players. Obviously, we never want to do that! Little League Coaching is a very rewarding experience. You will have guidance and resources from several experienced coaches around you. When we assign coaches, we assign one Head and one Assistant Coach to each team until player allocation and/or drafting is complete. 

Volunteer Opportunities We Are Still Looking to Fill:
-TeeBall: 6 Assistant Coaches

-Rookie Boys: 1 Head Coach
-Minor Boys: 1 Head Coach
-Major Boys: 1 Head Coach

-Major Girls: 1 Assistant Coach
-Minor Girls: 1 Assistant Coach

*All Coaches this year will be gifted with their choice of EMW Little League Gear (hoodie/logo tshirts) and have their $50 Concessions fee refunded as a token of appreciation for your time, effort and hard work*

Coaching Requirements:
-All coaches, managers and league volunteers will be required to pass a background check and be bound by the EMW Coaches Code of Conduct.
-No experience is necessary, but a knowledge of the skills helps. 
-Time and availability - Volunteering as a Coach can be a time consuming commitment. Please ensure that you are able and available to take on those demands. 
-Communication - the ability to work well with children, parents, umpires, other coaches, the League, etc, is a must.

Coaching can be a lot, but our Coaching Community is here, and more than willing to help out anyone who is new to this!

Log in to your account, and click on the opportunities below to sign up

Available Positions

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2025 EMW Tee-Ball

Assistant Coach

2025 EMW Baseball

Head Coach 
Assistant Coach

2025 EMW Softball

Head Coach 
Assistant Coach

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