Welcome to EMW Little League. We are happy to have you a member of our Baseball & Softball community. Our Board is a group of passionate volunteers brought together in hopes of creating a fun, fair and safe atmosphere for our players. We all have real careers and responsibilities, and each have unique perspectives and priorities, however, we all have these three things in common:
1. We all love seeing the glow on a child's face when they hit their first double or make a great play.
2. We all saw an opportunity for improvement and volunteered both our suggestion and our time to help make it a reality.
3. We want to see that glow on the face of every EMW player and leave them eagerly anticipating opening day.
For most families, baseball becomes a distant memory when the leaves start to change and school returns. For us, our work is just beginning. In late Summer, we review the last season. In the early Fall, we elect new members and board positions. By January, we have an outline for the season and are opening registration. By March, we are all juggling so many pieces and projects we begin to wonder why we ever volunteered in the first place. Then the fields open, we see the first kids laughing and playing catch down at the fields and we smile.
Do you have a suggestion? Do you see an area of opportunity that you could help with? Not all our volunteers are board members. Even a little help can go a long way. With over 450 players, 19 divisions and countless teams, we are always grateful for any help you can provide. Many of our volunteers are coaches, assistant coaches or team mom's/managers. We also have a group of teens that volunteer to help with our concession stand. We have many areas that could use some help; whether it's fundraising, planning/assisting with opening day or year- end parties or something we haven't even thought of yet.
If you are interested in helping, please send an email to
[email protected]. The more hands we have, the more smiles we can create. We meet the second Tuesday of each month at 8pm.
Laurie Kotowski
2025 EMW Board Directory