Sponsorship Information

Dear Prospective Sponsor,

EMW Baseball and Softball is a volunteer organization that relies on the community to assist in making baseball and softball more affordable for the kids in our area. 

Sponsorships provide a crucial source of needed funding for the league while gaining exposure to the community. Through recent generosity, EMW Little League has been able to make changes and expand as an organization. 

New this year is the ability to sponsor a field exclusively- 3x8 banner hung on back stop for entirety of the 2025 season. The fields available are: Farm 1, Rookie Boys, Minor Boys, Major Boys, Rookie Girls, Minor Girls, Major Girls, Senior Girls

PLATIMUM Banner Sponsor $1500

Deadline for INDIVIDUAL FIELD is April 1, 2025 (First Come, First Serve for Field Choice)

The Field of Dreams is the marquee diamond at Creek Road Park with approximately 75+ games played on the diamond each season. The banners are placed in front of the windscreen on the outfield wall. Sponsorship includes a 2×8 banner. Artwork can be provided by sponsor.

SILVER Banner Sponsor: $500                           GOLD Banner Sponsor: $1000

Deadline for FIELD OF DREAMS BANNERS is April 1, 2025

Your business or organizations name in block print on the back of the team jersey. The business or organization name will be white on dark jerseys and dark on white jerseys. The cost is $250 per team.

Deadline for TEAM JERSEY SPONSORSHIP is March 15, 2025.


Download the Sponsorship Application below:
EMW 2025 Sponsorship Form.pdf
EMW Baseball and Softball W9.pdf

Please send your checks to:
EMW Baseball & Softball
PO Box 107
Elma, NY 14059
Email any questions and artwork to Amanda Dorolek ([email protected])

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